Girofix diam. 47 - Modern chandelier
by Olux
Lo trovi in: [ Black chandeliers lighting ] - [ Modern pendant chandeliers ] - [ Olux ] - [ Wrought iron chandeliers ]
Lo trovi in: [ Black chandeliers lighting ] - [ Modern pendant chandeliers ] - [ Olux ] - [ Wrought iron chandeliers ]
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Product description:
Steel structure, available in the following combinations: chrome finish with transparent and red crystals, chrome finish with transparent crystals and wisteria, chrome finish with transparent and black crystals, bronze finish with transparent and amber crystals.
Olux lighting
Type Bulbs
G9 max 40 watts 220 volts.
Bulb type
Halogen - Incandescent.
Product code:
diam. 47cm, depth 15cm, maximum height 130cm.
Bulb Included: